New defense sparks girls in sectional play

Senior marauders Lexie Kleinman, Monica Soliz, Amber Rippy, Heather Calandra and Angel Chavez, from left, use their new 1-2-2 defense to guard the lane against a Mohave High School incursion during the Mingus Union High School girls basketball team’s 52-32 home victory over the Thunderbirds on Saturday, Jan. 4. The Marauders’ next game is against Kellis, Friday, Jan. 10.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

For the girls basketball team at Mingus Union High School, a new year means a new defense.

Head Coach Art Moncibaez rolled out a 1-2-2 zone defense for the first time in game action Saturday, Jan. 4, just in time for a 52-32 victory over Bullhead City Mohave High School.

“It’s kind of new to us,” said Marauders senior forward Heather Calandra. “Teams are kind of shocked to see us play it. We just put it in right before break.”

Although Flagstaff and Bradshaw Mountain High Schools showed that a new defense won’t win games by itself — beating the Marauders 58-46 and 68-50, respectively, on Jan. 6 and 7 — both Moncibaez and his two senior posts in the defense agree that quicker reactions to shooters will solve that problem.

“The key is just getting out on the shooters fast enough and getting back on defense,” senior Lexie Kleinman said.

For the full story, please see the Wednesday, Jan. 8, issue of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

George Werner

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