On break or at work, Wheeler handles kids

Allie Wheeler, of Rimrock, holds her son Dean Wheeler and her husband of eight years, Jake, moved down from Flagstaff about five years ago. Wheeler teaches fourth-grade math and science at Beaver Creek School. She also has three kids of her own, Alyssa, Luke and Dean.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

Allie Wheeler has called Arizona home ever since she moved here as a little girl.

Last Thursday, she was in Camp Verde, down from her home in Rimrock.

Wheeler was there after meeting some friends for lunch and giving their kids a little bit of time to take advantage of the playground equipment at Butler Park.

Wheeler’s still had a little bit of time left to enjoy the day, school wasn’t scheduled to start until this week. That’s where you can find Wheeler most working days. She’s a teacher at Beaver Creek School.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, Jan. 3, edition of the Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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