52.2 F

Cris McPhail wants balanced Camp Verde as a member of Town Council


Cris McPhail is running unopposed for one of three seats on the Camp Verde Town Council.

What makes you qualified for a position on the Town Council?

Anyone who is 18, can vote and has lived in the town limits for at least a year is qualified. I have a skill set and background that will be beneficial to the town.

What makes Camp Verde great?

The climate is what struck me first. The Verde River with its atmosphere of freedom and beauty is a pearl of great price, but the real kicker was the people. We moved here because of the friends that we had made. Everywhere you go whether it’s to a restaurant, a store, the park, hiking,

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or a meeting, people are friendly. They give of themselves, care about each other and their community.

What would be different with you on the council?

I come from a planning and construction back- ground. I am a licensed landscape architect. I have been part of teams that designed housing, downtown redevelopment, community branding and built parks. I am a leader and team builder. My professional experience will directly benefit the council and the town.

How will you help Camp Verde to recover from the coronavirus and resulting economic slump?

I am proud of the town’s response. It was a people first response. Layoffs or pay cuts were not necessary. We have a solid “rainy day” fund. The town has actively reached out to our businesses. Our library continues to be amazing in serving the community’s needs. We will weather this together as a team. As a leader I support these efforts. It will be a privilege to be a part of our bright future.

How do you hope to keep Camp Verde affordable to residents?

The key to our future will be to sustain a balanced community where families, workers and seniors can have a decent, affordable place to live, places to shop and eat and the quality of life that we enjoy.

I would like to see the vocational school come to town, encourage a mix of higher paid and plentiful jobs, support our businesses, ease the housing shortage, build our park system and protect our Verde River.

Candidate Essay:

Currently, I serve as the Town’s Volunteer Landscape Architect, Chair of the Town’s Planning and Zoning Commission, the President of the Camp Verde Adult Reading Program board, member of the Camp Verde Kiwanis Club, the Tree Advisory Committee, and the first non-male “Old Guys” volunteer group.  I believe it’s not enough to talk about making lives better, it takes hands-on hard work.

I have also been involved in other wholesome activities including: coaching a Special Olympics gymnastic team, coaching and refereeing AYSO soccer, a community choir member and performing in community theatre. I am a wife, mother of three, and grandmother of two. I completed my Master’s degree as a mother with two small children, then aged seven and four.  It took hard work to complete school and balance my family.   

I am also a champion Cowboy Action Shooter having won several state championships, one National Championship, and two World Championships.  In order to win a World Championship, it takes dedication, focus, and an enormous amount of training. I trained five to six days a week.  I worked harder and out-trained my competition.

I will put that same dedication and focus into serving the citizens of Camp Verde.

The Town is at a crossroads.  Development is coming.  We can stand on the train tracks and wave our hands while the train runs us down or we can jump on and steer at the right speed.  We need balanced development; community building.  We need development to add housing that our people can afford.  We need retail to serve our needs and we need to see our General Plan come to fruition.  That takes leadership.  Long- range vision and planning will enable us to build on the Town’s values, allow us to acknowledge and maintain the rural and historic heritage we take pride in and enhance our already wonderful quality of life.

The Verde River is one of our most treasured assets, yet we do not control the use of water in Camp Verde.  We run the risk of decisions being made in Prescott or Sedona adversely affecting our end of the River.  Camp Verde should be a powerhouse in the Verde Valley and recognized as such.  It’s time the Council works together and stands firm.  We must protect our river while being able to grow responsibly.  As a professional Landscape Architect and Planner, I have had direct experience in community development, branding, redevelopment and sustainability. I have managed construction projects.  The last was a $10,000,000 highway landscape project.

I am an independent thinker.  Decisions will be made in the best interest of the entire Town, not just a few loud voices.

In twenty years as a Landscape Architect every project that I managed came in on time and on budget.  I understand fiscal responsibility and will safeguard the Town’s finances, making every dime count.

In closing, I have the experience and dedication to be an asset to the Town.  Please vote for me on August 4th.

Incumbent Councilwoman Jessie Murdock and Jackie Baker are running for the other two open seats. Baker was featured last week. Murdock will be featured in an upcoming edition.

Jon Hecht

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