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Marshall brings events to town


Three years ago, the town hired Camp Verde Parks and Recreation Coordinator Michael Marshall and tasked him with one main objective: Develop events that offer more social opportunities for the people of Camp Verde.

His effort resulted in three new programs, each intended to engage the community in new ways. Family Movie Night allowed Camp Verdeans to get together and enjoy the art of film with their children. Day trips, on the other hand, gave locals the ability to travel to cultural sites around the state for a small charge.

Lastly, Marshall developed the Camp Verde Campout, inviting families to camp together in April and September.

This year’s campout will take place Friday, April 22, on the community field behind the Camp Verde Community Gym. For free, those registered can enjoy soccer and flying discs on the field, as well as a showing of the Pisney Pixar film “Inside Out” with free popcorn. In the morning, parks and recreation staff are offering coffee, juice and doughnuts.

“I’ve charged a fee for the event in the past, but I think that can be an impediment to people,” Marshall said, adding that his part-time staff members are more than happy to take part in the event — which, he noted, ultimately costs the city little money.

The weather shouldn’t be a problem, Marshall said. Spring provides an ideal forecast for him — not always the case in September, however. The second year featuring the event, monsoon rains scared everyone away by 4 p.m.

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“By the time 5:30 came, it was bright and sunny, but by then everyone decided to stay at home,” Marshall said, laughing.

Regardless of any ill weather or an errant frisbee aimed at his head, the retired firefighter and paramedic said that he is having a great time planning this and other events. “I’m loving it. I’m having a great time here. The people in town have been really supportive.”

British Soccer Camps
What: A soccer camp hosted by Camp Verde Parks and Recreation and Challenger Sports.
Where: Butler Soccer Field
When: May 23 through 27
The camp will run Monday through Friday. Each child will be coached by a member of Challenger Sports’s British coaching staff flown to the U.S. to work the event. Challenger will hold over 4,000 British Soccer Camps this summer and will coach over 150,000 players between the ages of 3 and 18, as well as completing free coach education clinics for over 40,000 parents and coaches.
Each camper will receive a free camp T-shirt, soccer ball, soccer poster, individual skills performance evaluation and free access to an educational soccer website.
For further information, visit challengersports.com or call (760) 536-4468.
Zachary Jernigan

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