Mina’s career path brought her to new heights, if not to space

Lisa Mina dreamed of becoming an astronaut. Instead of going into space, Mina went into education. Originally teaching math and science, today she works as the Camp Verde Unified School District’s librarian.?
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

Lisa Mina wanted to reach for the stars. The wish started at a young age.

“It started after watching a man land on the moon when I was 5,” Mina said.

Mina said she spent endless hours thinking about becoming an astronaut.

“I even studied Russian so I could work with them up on the space station,” Mina said.

Mina used to be an aeronautical engineer.

She switched gears when she realized that traveling from state to state following different contracts would make it difficult to raise a family.

“It would have been problematic,” Mina said.

Mina also joined the Arizona Air National Guard, where she became skilled in working with all sorts of aircraft, including the KC-135 Stratotanker.

Working with such large aircraft even cost Mina a date once after she offended a guy by referring to a Leer jet as a “small plane.”

Unfortunately, Mina said that she suffered a few injuries and realized that she probably wouldn’t be able to be an astronaut.

To read the full story, see the Wednesday, March 18, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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