Several wrestlers could be Mile High

Two-time state champion David Wilber and former Arizona state runner-up Hank Goettl demonstrate proper wrestling technique to their Marauder wrestling heir apparents during practice Monday, Dec. 30. The Mingus Union High School wrestling team was preparing for the Mile High Challenge in Prescott Valley beginning Friday, Jan. 4.
Photo by George Werner/Larson Newspapers

“Quick! Quick! You gotta be quicker!”

So was the exhortation of Tim McKeever to his wrestlers at Mingus Union High School in preparation for the Mile High Tournament in Prescott Valley beginning Friday, Jan. 3.

These were not just idle words from the first-year Marauders head wrestling coach — teams from all over the state will be at the tournament, including “some of the top-rated schools,” McKeever said.

“Most of the state champions will be there. Mesa Mountain View, which just took third place at the tournament of champions in Reno, will be there.”

McKeever knows that greasy-fast speed as well as technique will be the keys for his wrestlers to bring home the belt buckle of champion in their weight division from the 16-man championship round Saturday evening, Jan. 4.

For the full story, please see the Wednesday, Jan. 1, issue of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

George Werner

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