Garrison says service in DNA

Randy Garrison is one of two Republican candidates for Yavapai County Supervisor District 3, representing the Sedona and Cottonwood areas of the Verde Valley. Garrison is a fifth-generation Verde Valley resident, the descendant of pioneers to the region.
File photo/Larson Newpspapers

Former Cottonwood City Council member Randy Garrison is running as one of two Republican candidates for Yavapai County Supervisor District 3. Recently, he answered three questions pertaining to his family’s history of public service and his current bid with the county.

“We all know the issues we face,” Garrison stated in introduction. “They include water, transportation, growth and an aging demographic, overloaded infrastructure, high levels of poverty and threatened natural resources. We face them with the challenges of limited resources, a slowly rebounding economy, rising costs and a state legislature that diverts relied upon funding while steadily removing local control.

“Add to all of that the necessity of working with four other county supervisors in a cooperative and effective manner.”

Q: What aspect of public service most inspired you to run for the position of supervisor?

A: My grandfather served on the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors. My father served twice as the mayor of Cottonwood. The value of public service was instilled in me starting at an early age. It’s in my DNA. Being an engaged participant is an important part of how I contribute back to this region that I love. I gain a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction from both helping people and making our community vibrant and healthy.

Q: How does your experience in the Cottonwood City Council inform the plans you have as a supervisor?

A: My experience on City Council, much like my service on boards and committees, has taught me hard lessons in patience, persistence and compromise. To be effective, you must listen to all stakeholders, perform your due diligence and present responsible solutions.

I’ve also learned that good intentions can go disastrously wrong. When is comes to spending other people’s money, you must be vigilant in watching the bottom line, and mindful of the responsibility in protecting our tax payers who ultimately have to cover the tab at the end of the day. As your next county supervisor, I stand ready to put these lessons to work.

This job isn’t for someone who is thin-skinned and holds long-term grudges. You might be able to act that way when you’re the big dog in a pack, where people have to keep coming back to you for resources. But in regard to the rest of the county, District 3 is not in that position. We will always need three votes out of five members on every issue that is important to us. You have to be ready to pick your battles, put up the good fight and then let it go and move on to the next challenge.

That is the temperament I have, and the plan that I intend to follow.

Q: What benefits do you feel you specifically bring to the table when it comes to the role of supervisor?

A: This is a job, and the job is managing the business of the county. As a business owner, I truly understand balancing a budget and planning for the future.

My experience includes building roads, subdivisions and constructing and managing facilities. I worked with water and natural resources for over 30 years, earning five state certificates in the process. I served in selecting judges and spent over 20 years working with our public safety personnel, learning first hand the needs of our officers and firefighters and at times working right along side them.

I’ve also spent over a decade serving on economic development boards and working with our schools, understanding how they both depend on each other to build stronger and more stable communities.

I’ve always respected the voice of the public, and look forward to applying the lessons and knowledge gained throughout my life. This is a job, and I am ready to hit the ground running …. My candidacy is based on the belief that I am the most qualified person to be your next county supervisor. Everything I have done up to this point in my life was in preparation for this challenge, and when knowledge and experience matter, I am prepared to get this job done.

Zachary Jernigan

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