Voters deny Mingus override, say yes to $15M bond

The classroom that Todd Day teaches seventh-grade social studies in at Cottonwood Middle School has flooded several times in the past, as far into the room as the back row of desks. With the passing of the bond proposal, the carpet in this room, among others, will be replaced, along with addressing the cause of the flooding itself.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

Voters denied an override measure at the polls last week that would have granted the Mingus Union High School District money for capital improvements.

Voters at the same time approved a $15 million capital bond for the Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District.

The Mingus measure was defeated 4,897 votes to 4,202 votes in the Nov. 4 election, according to the Yavapai County Elections Department.

Capital projects can include everything from furniture to school bus repairs.

Under state law, a district is only allowed to budget so much money.The state, however, allows school districts to ask voters for a budget override, meaning the schools can tax property owners in the district beyond their set spending limits.

Mingus Union High School District Superintendent Paul Tighe said he was a little surprised that the measure didn’t pass.

“I went into it a bit optimistic,” Tighe said. “I talked with many groups in the community and there was a lot of support for it.”

The school board will review its options moving forward at its next meeting, Tighe said.

To read the full story, see the Wednesday, Nov. 12, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Mark Lineberger

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