Camp Verde rejects civil unions

Camp Verde resident Jim Meredith speaks against the civil union ordinance, calling it a rash and hasty decision to bring the motion before the Camp Verde Town Council. The 3-3 tie vote means that under town code the motion died. Mayor Charlie German had been excused from the meeting.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

The Town of Camp Verde decided last week not to pursue an ordinance recognizing civil unions.

With a 3-3 vote, the Town Council failed to pass the measure, which would have had the town’s staff look into developing an ordinance that would have recognized rights between committed couples, regardless of sex or gender. A tied vote fails for lack of a majority under the rules of order.

The vote makes Camp Verde the only municipality in the Verde Valley to fail to recognize civil unions.


For the full story, see the Wednesday, Feb. 12, edition of the Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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