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Tag: archaeology

Mingus Union High School District Governing Board President Dr. Misty L. Cox resigned Tuesday March 25, according to the Yavapai County Education Service Agency. Yavapai County School Superintendent Steve King announced a non-partisan vacancy on the board,...
The Cottonwood City Council voted 5-0 on March 18 to support a Low Income Housing Tax Credit application by Terra Realty and Management of Colorado to expand the Verde Plaza Apartments onto adjoining city-owned property. Councilmen Stephen...

Author talks Mata Ortiz book at VVAC

Author Charmayne Samuelson discussed her book “Spencer MacCallum: Memories, Mystique, Mata Ortiz” at the Verde Valley Archaeology Center on Saturday, Dec. 9.  Her biography of...

Zoll demonstrates solar calendar at solstice

The Verde Valley Archaeology Center, with help from the U.S. Forest Service, demonstrated the visual effects of the summer solstice on the solar calendar...

Hopi weaver shares textiles

The Verde Valley Archaeology Center hosted a presentation on Hopi textiles by weaver Ahkima Honyumptewa on Saturday, May 20.  Honyumptewa, of the Rattlesnake clan from...

VVAC opens new archaeoastronomy exhibit

The Verde Valley Archaeology Center opened its new exhibit, “Indigenous Cosmology and Astronomy,” on Wednesday, April 12. Archaeoastronomy, the study of ancient astronomy, describes...

VVAC Prepares for Archaeology Month 

March is Arizona Archaeology and Heritage Awareness Month, and the Verde Valley Archaeology Center is hosting a variety of events to celebrate.  The center houses...

Ken Zoll Discusses Book on Local Petroglyphs

The Verde Valley Archaeology Center hosted a discussion of Ken Zoll’s and Peter J. Pilles, Jr.’s book “The Crane Petroglyph Heritage Site and VV...

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