A local teacher passionate about child literacy teamed up with town of Clarkdale administrators to present this year’s summer reading program, One World, Many...
Two 6-year-old girls, Kelly Gooslin and Anna Taylor, joined several other youngsters at Riverfront Park Community Garden on Friday, June 10, to tend gardens...
Verde Valley Medical Center spent $900,000 to buy new equipment and spiff up the floors at its state-of-the-art cardiac catheterization lab that opened for...
Sound financial planning, accumulated reserves and an anticipated increase in some city funds means Cottonwood could afford the $111 million spending cap proposed for...
Voting 5-to-1, Cottonwood City Council chose Verde Earthworks over Sedona Recycles to collect materials deposited in bins at the only recycling collection site within...
Despite a threat of violence and a gusting wind, Mingus Union High School graduation ceremony proceeded as planned, with more than 200 seniors crossing...
?Local police, FBI and Department of Homeland Security continue to investigate a May 24 police report that persons unknown threatened a violent attack...