53.7 F

Jon Hecht

Camp Verde officials defend wastewater fees

At a meeting on March 21, the Camp Verde Town Council unanimously voted to increase wastewater fees. The planned increase of about $5 per...

Parties settle on petition text for school district consolidation

A court settlement last month halted efforts to vote on consolidation between the Mingus Union High School District and the Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District...

Airport’s neighbors complain of noise uptick in August

The often sleepy tone of the monthly meetings for the Cottonwood Airport Commission was punctured by a crowd of guests at the meeting on...

Camp Verde Town Council tours Sports Complex construction

The seven members of the Camp Verde Town Council packed into a small bus, along with Parks and Recreation Manager Mike Marshall. Behind them,...

Camp Verde residents complain about drainage issues

The Camp Verde Town Council chambers at 473 S. Main St. were packed on Sept. 12. Dozens filled the room, taking up all the...

Cottonwood Planning and Zoning approves new Starbucks

The junction of state routes 89A and 260 is among the busiest spots in Cottonwood, but the southwest corner of that bustling intersection lacks...

Around the Valley

Hi! I'm

Mariah Johnson

Aenean vel pulvinar lorem, id sodales est. Phasellus a molestie dui. Maecenas consequat vehicula erat in porttitor. Quisque at varius nulla, in congue eros. Nulla a finibus dolor. Integer lorem elit, vestibulum imperdiet justo cursus, tincidunt cursus tellus. Etiam sed efficitur mauris, eu pharetra tellus. Donec volutpat purus tortor, eget fringilla ipsum convallis et.

Pellentesque et felis ut nisi dapibus tempor. Curabitur efficitur nisl nunc. Nunc feugiat mi tellus, a feugiat enim consequat ac. Donec vel justo vel sem rhoncus tristique a quis lorem.

Mariah Johnson

Kyle Larson