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Cottonwood police honor Officer Dever


The Cottonwood Police Department, along with numerous public officials, gathered to honor Detective Scott Dever, a veteran of the force who focuses on narcotics, in a public ceremony on Aug. 13.

Cottonwood Police Chief Steve Gesell described Dever as a “phenomenal asset” and “what people expect from a police officer.” He praised his dedication, his work as an assistant team leader on the SWAT team, and his skills as a teacher not only of other police officers but of other public safety leaders and citizens in potential active shooter situations.

“I think he’s a man of character, I think he’s a man of conviction, and we need to clone individuals like him,” Gesell said.

In attendance was U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar [R-District 4], who came with the desire to not only honor Dever, but pay tribute to law enforcement as a whole.

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“In our communities today, the atmosphere has been very anti-law enforcement,” Gosar said. “We’re a country of laws, and these individuals have been tasked with upholding the laws that Congress has passed, and sometimes it’s not always the fun part.

“They’re doing their job, and so this is just a nice way of saying thank you for the things that you do that often go under appreciated,” Gosar said.

Gesell shared the congressman’s view that police are under-appreciated, thanking Gosar when he felt other politicians might not be there.

“Congressman Gosar’s effort to celebrate Detective Dever’s contributions are especially heartfelt given the caustic political climate police officers have endured across our country over recent years,” Gesell said. “We greatly appreciate the representative’s recognition of the commitment and sacrifice of those that serve and protect our communities, oftentimes at great risk.”

Jon Hecht can be reached at 634-8551, or email jhecht@larsonnewspapers.com

Jon Hecht

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