78.4 F

Mingus students perform virtual theater production


James Ball, Theater Director for Mingus Union High School, sent out the following press release on teh school’s upcoming theater production:

“A.T.O.R.T. is excited to be coming out of quarantine to present their first production of the school year – Cash on Delivery by Michael Cooney. This fast paced British farce concerns a con artist who has duped the welfare authorities for years by claiming every type of benefit for the innumerable people he claims live at his address. This scam nets him tens of thousands tax free. Just when he decides to “kill off” many of the imaginary dole recipients because matters are getting a bit too risky, welfare investigators show up. Some make inquiries about what is going on while others offer additional benefits for which he has not yet applied. To outwit the investigators, the con artists enlists help from one of his real lodgers and from his Uncle George. This comedic play is fast-moving and will have you laughing the whole time. Run time is 2 hours and that includes a 15-minute intermission.

We have three ways to watch this hysterical production. We are able to have a very limited in-person audience for each performance. Our auditorium is located in Mingus Union High School at 1801 E. Fir Street in Cottonwood. The first weekend we are offering a live stream of each of the performances, so you can watch it right while it’s happening! This will be a 6 HD Camera broadcast – so it will capture everything for your enjoyment! The second weekend we are offering an on-demand performance you can watch anytime that weekend.

Friday March, 5th at 7pm – Live Stream Available
Saturday, March 6th at 7pm – Live Stream Available
Sunday, March 7th at 3pm – Live Stream Available
Saturday, March 13th at 7pm
Sunday, March 14th at 3pm
Stream On-Demand anytime from March 12th – 14th

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TICKET PRICES –Go to mingusperformingarts.com or call the box office at 928-649-4466. You may buy tickets in advance at the Mingus Bookstore from 7am-3pm every weekday. Tickets are general seating for this event to help keep 6 feet of distance between groups as they enter the facility.

In-Person (Advance sale only, no at the door tickets available)
Adults and Seniors – $10
Students – $8
(In-person tickets at atort.ludus.com)

Live Stream or On-Demand
Pay what you can!
Recommended $10 a person
$10 minimum to live stream or view the on-demand performance
(Live Stream and On-Demand tickets at atort.anywhereseat.com)

In-Person Mitigation Information
~ All patrons must sign a COVID waiver upon entry
~ All patrons must wear a mask (performers will be as well)
~ 6 feet distance between parties will be enforced
~ Limited to 15% capacity or 150 in-person patrons
~ Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the auditorium
~ No concessions will be offered
~ No tickets will be sold at the door. Patrons must buy in advance on-line or at the Mingus bookstore from 7am-3pm. Patrons may always call the Box Office at 928-649-4466 for any tickets, questions, comments, or concerns.

While these is no official rating attached to the play, I would rate it as more of a PG-13 than a PG. It is a British farce so there are lot of “bloody hell’s” and some jokes that may not be suitable for younger children. However, there are no promiscuities or swearing in the show (other than the bloody hells already mentioned). The plot is fast moving and may not capture the younger audience’s attention. Also, it does teach about how to pull off tax evasion…so you might not want the younger generation to learn about that! 😉

This talented cast started working on this production in October and was delayed two weeks for a quarantine, then after three weeks of rehearsal we entered a two-month shutdown. During the shutdown we continued with zoom rehearsals and blocking. Fortunately, we were allowed to come back in-person in February and hit the ground running to put this production together. Cash on Delivery is directed by James Ball and assistant director Breinne Reeder. Technical production and set design was created by the brilliant Jeff Neugebauer and sound design by Stephen Renard. Lydia Collins returns with our student team to put together costumes for our cast.

We hope you can come in, watch live, or watch on-demand our brilliant show – Cash on Delivery! It has been far too long since we have had live theatre and we are so excited to be bringing this production to our community.”

Jon Hecht

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