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Cottonwood City Council candidate Joy Mosley Q&A


Candidate: Joy Mosley, Cottonwood resident of 18 years

Age: 82

Current or past profession: “Retired business owner. Mother of nine, grandmother of 21, great-grandmother of 11.”

Q: Why are you qualified to serve on council?

A: “My husband and I owned several small businesses and managed real estate investments. I am an original member of the Verde Valley Homeless Coalition, serving two years as board treasurer. I have volunteered with the National Park Service, Meals on Wheels, Old Town Mission and Picnic in the Park.”

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Q: How should the city bring more affordable housing into the area, and balance the growth of businesses and new residents?

A: “A balancing act. Affordable housing is a major concern in local efforts to retain the essential workers necessary to currently maintain and grow the economy of our vibrant community. May 2021, city staff presented a Verde Valley Housing Needs Assessment done by Elliott D. Pollack and Co. It set forth a five-year affordable action plan to address the Verde Valley’s housing needs. The plan’s recommendations include a collaborative effort with city departments, developers, builders, local business employers, land owners and investors, as well as the local residents. Higher density and multi-family construction would be encouraged to meet the demand. Another is to provide incentives to builders of single-family homes to build, focused on the workforce employee and their family. Local governments, public safety, health services and businesses thrive when their employees can live in the community. New residents are coming, often with the cash to buy existing housing, raising the median price of a home or apartment. The demand for housing and services will increase. The assessment indicates that Cottonwood’s five-year affordable housing demand will be 611 units, especially needed for those whose yearly income is $25,000 or less. Now three years into the plan, the question is, how does Cottonwood increase resources to support production of affordable housing for both the workforce and low-income households? Hopefully we can use the recommendations of the assessment to work towards that end.”

Q: What is your vision for economic development in Cottonwood?

A: “I believe there is just cause for high to average confidence in the Verde Valley economy, especially in Cottonwood. Cottonwood is the hub of the Verde Valley. Currently marketed as the ‘Heart of Arizona Wine Country,’ as well as a tourist destination, Cottonwood is positioned for economic growth. Wine tourism attracts those with disposable income — a benefit to local business as well as the wineries. My vision is for economic development, partnering with the Greater Chamber of Commerce, to continue showcasing the city’s unique, welcoming environment to those who would relocate and bring business, as well as the essential need of supporting current businesses. I shop locally. Wouldn’t it be great to see those vacant buildings again filled with employers, employees and customers? The secret is out — Cottonwood is an awesome place to live and visit.”

Q: How should the city change events to reflect the city’s changing demographics?

A: “I agree with the current council’s direction to Parks and Recreation Director Jak Teel that a change of focus from TVR to more family-oriented events would be timely. The 2021 housing report I mentioned earlier stated the average age in the Verde Valley was 52.3 years: Cottonwood, 33.8. Council could encourage a greater promotion of local outdoor recreation opportunities; the river, as well as our bicycle and hiking trails. The Recreation Center, the sports fields, tennis courts appear to be well used. More opportunities for families is a must, always popular with the workforce.”

Q: How will you rebuild public trust and confidence in Cottonwood City Council?

A: “I propose that fair, ethical and accountable local leadership will be essential to rebuilding public trust and confidence. Professionalism, civility and integrity of council members is vital as they work with city staff. I would like to see a city code of conduct revisited, this time with enforcement guidelines. Your vote is your voice.”

Cottonwood City Council Election

Mayoral candidates (one four-year seat):

  • Michael Mathews, challenger
  • Ann Shaw, challenger

Council candidates (three four-year seats)

  • Felicia Coates, challenger
  • Holly Grigaitis, challenger* [*residency in city limits remains in question]
  • Helaine Kurot, incumbent
  • Bob Marks, challenger
  • Lindsay Masten, challenger
  • Joy Mosley, challenger
  • Heather Piper White, challenger
  • Bill Tinnin, challenger
Alyssa Smith

Alyssa Smith was born and raised in Maryland, earning her degree in Media Studies from the University of North Carolina Greensboro after a period of traveling out West. She spent her high school and early college years focusing on music journalism, interviewing, photographing and touring with bands and musicians. Her passion is analog photography and she loves photographing the scenes of Jerome, where she resides. Her love of the Southwest brought her to the reporter position at Larson Newspapers where she enjoys hiking with her dog along the Verde River and through the desert’s red rocks.

Alyssa Smith
Alyssa Smith
Alyssa Smith was born and raised in Maryland, earning her degree in Media Studies from the University of North Carolina Greensboro after a period of traveling out West. She spent her high school and early college years focusing on music journalism, interviewing, photographing and touring with bands and musicians. Her passion is analog photography and she loves photographing the scenes of Jerome, where she resides. Her love of the Southwest brought her to the reporter position at Larson Newspapers where she enjoys hiking with her dog along the Verde River and through the desert’s red rocks.

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