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Cottonwood City Council candidate Felicia Coates Q&A


Council candidate: Felicia Coates, Cottonwood resident of 11 years

Age: 64

Current or past profession: “My career was in health care research and development in academia and industry [research, product development, regulatory affairs].”

Q: Why are you qualified to serve on council?

A: “Since moving here I have enjoyed 11 years of volunteer public service on a broad range of projects in the Verde Valley ranging from building trails to getting $1.9 million in grants.

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“I served on the Cottonwood Historic Preservation Commission and co-led the Cottonwood Historic Home and Building Tour for four years. I believe I could do the job serving on council as I have a history of adapting well to new and different challenges.

“I am considered by others as being fair and open-minded; I make decisions with careful consideration as I am fact-based, analytical and compassionate; and I have been doing my homework, including studying the city’s strategic plan, housing study and economic devel­opment strategy, studying and attending meetings on issues of local interest, attending council and commission meetings, meeting with city department heads, meeting with the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce, meeting with several local nonprofits [e.g., Steps to Recovery] and more.”

Q: How should the city bring more affordable housing into the area, and balance the growth of businesses and new residents?

A: “Affordable housing is a critical need for Cottonwood’s economy, quality of life and the services we rely upon. The 2024 Economic Development Strategy and the 2021 Verde Valley Housing Study provide recommendations to address affordable housing including prepare a strategy and develop policies; establish a regional housing organiza­tion; create partnerships with organiza­tions like Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona; create incentives, e.g., flexible development standards, development fee waivers; establish a community land trust; and target affordable housing developers with a marketing campaign. While some actions have been taken, in my opinion, given the critical need, it seems that more priority needs to be given to this matter. Affordable housing is a complex issue requiring a multi-pronged approach by the city and other groups. To address this issue, there needs to be a strategy governing the approach.”

Q: What is your vision for economic development in Cottonwood?

A: “Ensure a sustainably growing economy, i.e., support the city’s economic growth while preserving our quality of life, culture and the environment. Focus on and prioritize housing. It underpins our economy. Ensure a robust diversified economy, i.e., beyond the core strengths of tourism and wine. Retain and advocate for home-grown businesses as well as attract compatible new businesses. Work to ensure that Cottonwood maintains its position as the regional economic hub. Support local career training programs for a strong workforce.”

Q: How should the city change events to reflect the city’s changing demographics?

A: “It is healthy to change events with time — people like to experience new things. I believe that events should be driven by what sustains local businesses and brings in revenue. At the same time, I think some of the events should be focused on promoting a sense of commu­nity and fellowship for residents. It may be time for community focus groups or a survey to define desired events.”

Q: How will you rebuild public trust and confidence in Cottonwood City Council?

A: “If elected, I will follow the generally recognized code of conduct for professional meetings; actively listen to all points of view and ask questions to understand other points of view; be respectful and behave honor­ably; be an independent thinker with no personal agendas; make statements and decisions based on facts; work to find compromise, e.g., move ahead with a project, but with conditions; find ways to more effectively engage citizens with the city and vice versa; and enhance transparency and accountability, e.g., by conducting ‘after action reviews’ on major projects to glean learnings and share publicly.”

Cottonwood City Council Election

Mayoral candidates (one four-year seat):

  • Michael Mathews, challenger
  • Ann Shaw, challenger

Council candidates (three four-year seats)

  • Felicia Coates, challenger
  • Holly Grigaitis, challenger* [*residency in city limits remains in question]
  • Helaine Kurot, incumbent
  • Bob Marks, challenger
  • Lindsay Masten, challenger
  • Joy Mosley, challenger
  • Heather Piper White, challenger
  • Bill Tinnin, challenger
Alyssa Smith

Alyssa Smith was born and raised in Maryland, earning her degree in Media Studies from the University of North Carolina Greensboro after a period of traveling out West. She spent her high school and early college years focusing on music journalism, interviewing, photographing and touring with bands and musicians. Her passion is analog photography and she loves photographing the scenes of Jerome, where she resides. Her love of the Southwest brought her to the reporter position at Larson Newspapers where she enjoys hiking with her dog along the Verde River and through the desert’s red rocks.

Alyssa Smith
Alyssa Smith
Alyssa Smith was born and raised in Maryland, earning her degree in Media Studies from the University of North Carolina Greensboro after a period of traveling out West. She spent her high school and early college years focusing on music journalism, interviewing, photographing and touring with bands and musicians. Her passion is analog photography and she loves photographing the scenes of Jerome, where she resides. Her love of the Southwest brought her to the reporter position at Larson Newspapers where she enjoys hiking with her dog along the Verde River and through the desert’s red rocks.

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