43.7 F

Business Press Release Guidelines


Business is news and that type of information is important to the community.

Business owners need to know, and it must be emphasized, that the Editorial (News) and Advertising Departments of Larson Newspapers are totally separate.

If you have a news items for publication, please call the newsroom, not your advertising account representative. Do not expect your account representative to be your go-between with the newsroom.


• Submitted photos should properly identify the photographer, if applicable, and all the individuals in the photo. Double check names to avoid spelling errors. Include titles of those in the photo, if applicable.

• Send photos that are huge, as large as they appear fresh of your camera, generally 1 megabyte or bigger. If you download photos from a website, they are likely too small for us to use. If the photo on screen is smaller than your hand, it’s too small.

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• The best digital format is a jpg, jpeg or gif file. We cannot guarantee that submitted photographs will be returned.

Editorial (News) Department

Certain business events are news and we want to know about them. Those events include, but are not limited to:

Grand openings and ribbon-cuttings. Give us the date, time, location, grand prizes to be given away, special guests who plan attending, the type of store, who is involved and other important information about the event.

We do not take ribbon cutting photographs at grand opening events. Please send us a photo. Credit the photographer who took the photo. If you can, list the names of the people in the photo, from left to right or right to left. If there are more than 10 people, you can just name the key figures in the photo, such as “store owner John Smith, third from left, store manager Jane Jones, fourth from left, and Mayor Jack Doe, fourth from right.”

New store manager.  Name, where she or he is from, prior experience, schools attended, family. Send us a photo.

Retirement. Give us the names and number of years served by those employees who decided to take their deserved retirement. If you have a special observance, let us know about that as well. Send us a photo.

Honored employee. If you recognize employees for years of service, employee of the month, employee of the year, new accreditation, new award, or other special observances, let us know about it. Send us a photo.

Employee promotions. When your employees are given a step up in position, we want you to let us know about it.

New businesses. Every new business is invited to send a press release to the newsroom for publication. Send along a photograph of the manager(s) or owner(s) or store(s) for consideration, too.

Include the street address and contact info for the business. You may include a general list of products or services.

To advertise specific items, prices, specials, sales or deals, you should purchase a display ad (below). Press releases that are exclusively advertising content will not be published in editorial space, but instead forwarded to an advertising account representative for followup.

Contact the Editorial Department at (928) 282-7795, Ext. 129, or email to editor@larsonnewspapers.com.

Advertising Department

Every business operating within our community can have their business profiled via our numerous special advertising sections as well as in the general paper.

A consistent, weekly ad is just as important to drawing customers to your business as a big one-time prior to a sale or special promotion. Running a weekly ad keeps your business names at the forefront of readers’ minds and our regular advertising customers often hear from their new customers, “I came in to your store because I remember seeing one of your ads in the newspaper ….”

New menus, discounts, coupons, specials, sales, going-out-of-business news and regular advertising should be directed to your account representative.

First-time customers should contact the Advertising Department at (928) 282-7795, Ext. 114 or email to klarson@larsonnewspapers.com.

Staff Reporter

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