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Kelley wraps up successful run on Cowboys gridiron


An outbreak of COVID-19 brought a premature end to what was already an abbreviated football season for Camp Verde High School. That was unfortunate for everyone on the team. Luckily, the Cowboys are a fairly young team and most of them will be back to the gridiron in the fall of 2021. However, one player who will not be returning is running back and linebacker Peyton Kelley, a senior who will graduate in the spring.

While Kelley’s time playing football for Camp Verde is now complete, the positive outlook that he had helped dull the blow of the season coming to an early end.

“I knew it was coming — it was coming sooner or later,” Kelley said. “I just tried to enjoy it as much as I could before it ended. And I did enjoy it.”

Even though Kelley is done playing football for the Cowboys, he may not be done with the sport entirely. One of the options Kelley is hoping to pursue after graduation would have him playing at a small school, likely out of state, though exactly where is not presently known.

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Kelley was one of Camp Verde’s top players in his last three seasons and was an integral piece in the Cowboys’ option heavy, run-dominant offense. He ran for 216 yards during 2020’s three-game season, 671 yards in 2019 and 414 yards as a sophomore. His rushing yardage totals were second on the team all three years. He also found the end zone nine times in high school, scoring five touchdowns as a junior and two each in his sophomore and senior seasons.

On defense, Kelley made two tackles as a senior, but recorded 62 tackles in both his sophomore and junior seasons, leading the team as a junior and second-up as a sophomore. Despite that, the Friday night lights are not what draws the fondest memories for Kelley, but the practices leading up to them.

“They’re really fun,” he said. “Every practice is fun. Having really good friends on your team with you makes it even better.”

In addition to his time on the gridiron, Kelley has also played baseball for the Cowboys in each of his first three years and is set to be the starting center fielder this spring.

While the 2020 baseball season was shortened, it was long enough to supply Kelley with one of his favorite memories, a win over rival Payson. The Longhorns struck first with two runs in the third inning, but Camp Verde came back with three in the fourth and two in the fifth to take a 5-2 lead. The Cowboys then fought off a Payson rally in the seventh to win 5-4.

Kelley pitched 2.2 innings in that game, allowing two runs and striking out two. He went 0-for-2 at the plate but had two other productive plate appearances, drawing a walk and laying down a sacrifice bunt.

Outside of school, Kelley rides dirt bikes and has been working in construction for a while. When he’s done with school, he hopes to work at K.P. Ventures, getting into drilling. If that doesn’t pan out, the military is another option Kelley is considering.

Years from now when people look back on Camp Verde’s Class of 2021, Kelley hopes that he’s remembered for his demeanor as well as what he did on both the gridiron and diamond.

“I hope people think, ‘he’s a nice guy and a funny guy to remember,’” Kelley said. “I’m not much of a talker in school but I just want to be remembered as a nice guy. And known for sports.”

Michael Dixon

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