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Robyn Prud’homme-Bauer seeks to avoid tax hike for Clarkdale


Robyn Prud’homme- Bauer is running for mayor of Clarkdale against incumbent Doug Von Gausig. The primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 4.

What makes you qualified to be mayor?

We need a leader who can work together with residents and businesses to build a safer, stronger, more connected and caring Clarkdale. I have proven these skills during my 23 years of community involvement in Clarkdale and the Verde Valley: Serving on municipal boards and commissions, organizing and planning community events and programs, and in leadership positions of several nonprofit organizations.

What makes Clarkdale great?

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Our resident’s welcoming, small town community spirit, our unique smelter town history, and the natural environment around us — the Verde River, Mingus Mountain and Sycamore Wilderness.

What would be different if you were mayor?

I think it’s very important to seek and respect the views and concerns of our residents, town staff and council members, and bring many ideas and facts into Clarkdale’s decision-making process.

As mayor, I will actively listen to different points of views, and make decisive and inclusive decisions for all of Clarkdale.

How will you help Clarkdale to recover from the coronavirus and resulting economic slump?

As mayor I will do everything I can to make sure our residents have the needed COVID-19 information on resources such as food, rent/mortgage assistance and unemployment benefits to help them get back to normal life in a safe and healthy way. We also need to make sure our businesses have access to necessary resources to reopen safely and profitably.

Economically, increasing Clarkdale sales tax revenue is extremely important. By creating a “Buy local” program to encourage residents and visitors to buy from our Clarkdale businesses, we can start to make-up for lost tax revenue.

Actively supporting small business development is the path to increasing our tax base.

How do you hope to keep Clarkdale affordable to residents?

As we come through COVID-19, we need to avoid raising local property tax. I will be sure we are fiscally prudent with town finances, while assuring vital services continue to be efficiently provided to residents by an engaged and strong town staff.

Robyn Prud’homme-Bauer Candidate Essay:

I am your neighbor, a 23-year resident, a Clarkdale business owner and Candidate for Mayor of Clarkdale. I want to be mayor because I care about Clarkdale and I cherish Clarkdale’s small town spirit.

Right now we need to make sure we are doing okay during the COVID-19 pandemic and that all our neighbors are safe and healthy. All Clarkdaleans need to have access to the services necessary to support them as we weather this pandemic, such as food sharing, domestic violence resources, mental health services, decent and safe housing, and adequate health care.

We will get through this pandemic and when we do, as your mayor I will work to preserve Clarkdale’s small town community spirit, Clarkdale’s smelter history and the natural environment of the Verde River and mountains that surround us. We need to preserve our small town attitude while we plan to provide jobs, schools and housing opportunities for families [young, established or retired] who live or want to live here. That same Clarkdale spirit should extend to businesses that expand here or want to come to Clarkdale with jobs that will sustain us. This is “The Clarkdale We Want.”

My priorities for The Clarkdale We Want will focus on:

  •  A fiscally prudent town government efficiently providing services for Clarkdale residents with a strong and engaged town staff.
  •  Safe and attainable housing for families, retirees, working people and professionals.
  •  A strong resilient economy that can survive challenges, with living wage jobs and an increased tax base [without increasing local property taxes].
  •  More support for existing and new businesses in manufacturing, skilled trades, home-based businesses, the wine industry, recreation, a grocery store and other retail outlets supported by residents and tourists
  •  Reliable high-speed internet service available to all residents.
  •  Improved relationship with Yavapai College in Clarkdale for cultural activities and business development.
  •  Developing programs for food sharing through community gardens and a town farmer’s market.
  •  Partnering with neighboring communities to coordinate and preserve water resources, as the Verde Valley population is growing and we all share the same water.
  •  Continued dedication to the preservation of our natural resources, the arts, our history, our community events and keeping Clarkdale a small town.

I am a leader who can work with residents and businesses to build a safer, stronger, more connected, and caring Clarkdale. I have the proven skills to do this through my 23 years of community involvement in Clarkdale and the Verde Valley. I have served on several of Clarkdale’s boards and commissions  — Planning Commission, Board of Adjustments, and Design Review Board. I have planned and organized many community events and programs with Clarkdale artists and fellow business owners such as Made In Clarkdale, Clarkdale Downtown Block Parties, Clarktober Fest and the Clarkdale Car Show. I have served and continue to serve in leadership positions with several local, regional and statewide non-profit organizations including the Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization, The Clarkdale Foundation, and League of Women Voters.

Jon Hecht

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