CVUSD keeps Howe as administrator-in-charge

Danny Howe, Camp Verde Middle School principal and Camp Verde Unified School District administrator-in-charge, speaks to the board during the “staff, student and community recognition and celebration of good things” part of the school board meeting on Dec. 11. Daulton Venglar/Larson Newspapers

At a special meeting on Thursday, June 20, the Camp Verde Unified School District Governing Board met in executive session to evaluate the school district’s administrator-in-charge, Danny Howe.

Howe was appointed to the top spot in the district’s administration in March of 2018, after the board voted to allow former Superintendent Dr. Dennis Goodwin to complete his contract at home in February. In December, the board voted not to engage in a superintendent search for the coming school year, choosing to instead keep Howe on in the position for the time being.

Thursday’s meeting led to no changes in Howe’s job responsibilities or position. For at least the near future, Howe’s originally interim position seems to be here to stay.

“We like the job that he’s doing,” board member Helen Freeman said after the meeting.

“It went well,” Howe said of his evaluation. “I don’t have any bruises.”

Howe’s title is set at administrator-in-charge instead of superintendent since he lacks the requisite certification that would be necessary to hold a superintendent position under state law. Both Howe and the CVUSD board have expressed a lack of interest in Howe taking the necessary test for a superintendent certificate. Yavapai County Superintendent Tim Carter said in December that the school is free to keep Howe on as administrator-in-charge and forego a proper superintendent if it wishes.

Jon Hecht

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