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Candidate Q&A: Bill LeBeau seeks transparency


With the 2018 election in full swing, those vying for seats on the Camp Verde Town Council were asked a variety of questions pertaining to issues facing the town — both today and in the future. Bill LeBeau is running for a position on the Camp Verde Town Council.

Q: What makes you qualified for a position on Town Council?

What best qualifies me to serve on the Camp Verde Town Council are my affection for the town and a desire to see it thrive while maintaining its unique character. I would bring to the job a lifetime of public service in the military and in civilian life as a federal, county and municipal employee.

Q: What makes Camp Verde great?

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Where do I even begin? We are blessed with four distinct seasons of great weather. We have an abundance of natural resources, not least of which is the Verde River. Camp Verde has incredible natural beauty and a prime central location close to major highways. Best of all, Camp Verdeans are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met.

Q: What would be different if you were on Town Council?

I want to help foster a more transparent government. Agenda items are brought up in council meetings, briefed by town staff and voted on immediately, often without any questions or debate. It’s efficient, but there is no time for the press to print what’s being considered, or for discussions among citizens.

Q: What will you do to keep Camp Verde affoable for its residents?

To keep Camp Verde affordable for our residents, we have to get a handle on recent borrowing and spending trends. The town spends our money. All funding, including taxes, government grants, revenue sharing, etc., originates in our pockets. Debt that government takes on is our debt. The town is spending money that we haven’t even earned yet. Some of today’s debt won’t be paid off until 2044.

Q: How do you hope to bring in business to Camp Verde?

Businesses open in places where they can make money. Compliance costs resulting from ever increasing rules and regulations make it harder for any venture to realize profitability. One of council’s duties is to make sure that “red tape” doesn’t discourage new businesses from coming to Camp Verde.

Jon Hecht

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