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Candidate Q&A: Kyla Allen touts years of experience


What makes you qualified for a position on the city council?

I have been involved in public service for over 30 years. I retired from the city after 23 years, and have the unique inside perspective of what is required for various departments. I have volunteered in everything from hands-on work such as highway clean-ups and weeding our local cemetery, to more official work such as serving on the MATForce Steering Committee and the Verde Valley Leadership Program Board of Directors.

And though I have been on the council for less than two years, I was appointed vice mayor by a majority of the council in January, which I believe is a further testament to my qualifications.

What makes Cottonwood great?

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Our unique businesses and their owners — I love driving through Old Town and seeing a horse tied to a post, across from a tasting room, by a gallery, near a restaurant — our colorful history; our beautiful natural resources; our very strong sense of community and most of all, our citizens.

What would be different if you were not on the council?

Though my life experiences are unique and, I feel, exceptionally beneficial to serving our citizens, I believe most of the candidates running would do a wonderful job, and even without me it would continue to serve our citizens well.

What will you do to keep Cottonwood affordable for its residents?

The No. 1 way is to provide affordable housing. Right now the city is woefully short on availability of homes, particularly for middle-class families. It is imperative the council support development of reasonably priced homes.

What is your position on the proposed 0.5 percent sales tax increase the council will be voting on in August?

All five candidates have previously stated they would have approved a tax increase, it is only the amount that is debated. The need for an increased revenue stream for the city just to keep providing services at our current levels is what pushed my support of the proposed sales tax increase, which will also allow infrastructure improvements and debt recovery.

Jon Hecht

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