72.8 F

Suggest name for new park


Those lamenting the long wait for Camp Verde to create its sports complex park located off Arizona State Route 260 behind the Prescott National Forest Verde Ranger station have a consolation prize to tide them over.

In September, Parks and Recreation Division Manager Michael Marshall announced that his department would be taking suggestions for a name for the park. Since 2008, when the town purchased 114 acres of land from the U.S. Forest Service for a new sports facility [construction of which was abruptly stopped when the economic recession hit], the halted project has been referred to as Community Park.

“Camp Verde is now reinvigorating this park with planning and construction funding from the town as well as grant money from Arizona State Parks,” Marshall said. “To celebrate this renewed progress, Parks & Recreation is asking for public input on a better name for the park. Community Park was used mostly as a place holder and creates confusion with our existing Community Field and Community Center at the town hall complex.

“We are asking for suggestions for a more appropriate name — maybe more descriptive of its use, maybe something about its location or maybe to commemorate a distinguished Camp Verde resident.”

According to Marshall, as public input was sought during the conceptual design phase, its input should continue to dictate other aspects of the significant project. Picking a name for the park, he added, is a good way to increase the public’s interest and investment in the facility.

“Multiple suggestions for names will help to get the best results,” Marshall said. “Having a single person or even a small group come up with the name restricts our pool of good ideas …. I really have no strong name recommendation myself. In fact, one of the first name suggestions which came in has more potential than a couple I was tossing around in my own head. I’d like a name that doesn’t leave people saying ‘What’s that?’ when we are done.”

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Picking the final name will not be a “pure vote process,” according to Marshall. Instead, suggestions will be gathered from the public for city officials to review and then make available to the Town Council. Ultimately, the council will make the decision.

The name is far from the only input residents will be expected to offer, however.

“Once the stormwater, drainage, grading and infrastructure plans are complete then we can start that important but not very exciting groundwork,” Marshall said. “With that process underway, we can begin the specific design work on the fields and other structures like concessions stands, bathrooms and picnic ramadas. At that point, we will be looking for community input on some of the design specifics as well as support towards construction.

“We are hoping that parts of the project can be built or funded by community members and businesses to help augment funding from the town and other sources. Again, we want this to be a facility that the community is involved in and proud of.”

As planned, the park will feature four baseball/softball fields, three soccer/football fields, tennis courts, picnic ramadas, playgrounds, equestrian facilities, activity building, bathrooms and other support facilities.

To suggest a name for the park or offer other input, email parks@campverde.az.gov or mail or drop off your suggestions at 395 S. Main Street, Camp Verde. Include your reasoning for the name suggestion, as well as your contact information. For more information, contact Parks and Recreation at 554-0828.

Zachary Jernigan

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