Welcome to sports in color

George Werner

This issue of The Camp Verde Journal, Cottonwood Journal Extra and Sedona Red Rock News begins a new era of sports I think you’ll enjoy: Color.

Thanks to Jones Ford Verde Valley and other supportive sponsors, Camp Verde, Cottonwood and Sedona sports will be expanded to two pages of coverage, with the first page featuring photos and other enhancements in color every Wednesday.

This marks the first commitment of any local newspaper to a regular color sports section every week. I think you’ll agree it’s an upgrade not only well deserved, but long overdue as well.

For the first time, you’ll be able to see the amazing work of our Sedona photographer, Jordan Reece, and Camp Verde photographer Zack Garcia.

You’ll be able to see, preserved for all time, the greatest moments of our coverage of indoor and outdoor athletic and recreational events as we saw it.

No other local media can offer this level of coverage, every week. The best part: You can be a part of it.

We want your color photos. The pictures must meet certain requirements for submission. If you think you have a photo that meets that bar, you can also Tweet the pic to @sedonanews. Make sure you follow us first.

If you live in Cottonwood, Cornville, Clarkdale or Jerome, send in your pictures for consideration in the Wednesday Journal Extra by Tuesday at 5 p.m. Deadlines for Camp Verde and Sedona submissions remain the same: Monday at
9 a.m. for Journal and Tuesday at 9 a.m. for the NEWS

For the full column, please see the Wednesday, Nov. 4, issues of the Camp Verde Journal and Cottonwood Journal Extra.

George Werner

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