Lobos boys, girls soccer teams go coed

Bryce Contreras, left, of Cottonwood Middle School attempts to steal possession from Mountain View Prep eighth-graders Wesley Loveall, center, and Chris Luna during their 1-1 tie April 1.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

The boys and girls soccer teams at Cottonwood Middle School do what they need to do in order to play a 16-game schedule. On April 1, that included playing as a coed team at new opponent Mountain View Preparatory Academy.

“We’re really connecting as a team,” Mountain View Prep seventh-grader Shelby Brenner said during the Ocelots’ 1-1 tie with the Lobos. “The school has a team it can be proud of.”

Both teams have also gone coed to defeat Oak Creek School this season, with Mountain View Prep winning in 13-0 and 4-0 shutouts. Only the Lobos separate into boys and girls teams after those games, though.

“Since the league we play in has a boys and girls division, it is quite an adjustment to put a coed team on the field,” head boys soccer coach Mike Gilboy said.

For the full story, please see the Wednesday, April 9, issue of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

George Werner

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