CVHS boys end season on high note

Senior Marlon Ontiveros, left, chooses between a pass to fellow seniors Tyler Dickey, No. 30, or Javier Carrillo, No. 12, or shooting at the hoop during the Camp Verde Cowboys’ 75-49 home loss to Valley Christian High School on Jan. 18. Ontiveros, Dickey, Carrillo and Chasyn Honea were the four Cowboys seniors who sparked CVHS to a 67-51 win over Horizon Honors High School in their final game Thursday, Feb. 6.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

Camp Verde High School’s four boys basketball seniors found a positive way to end a season of often-negative results Thursday night, Feb. 5.

Guards Javier Carrillo and Marlon Ontiveros, along with forwards Tyler Dickey and Chasyn Honea, each contributed in their own way towards the Cowboys’ 67-51 home sectional win over Horizon Honors, according to head coach Dan Wall.

“It was a really good finish,” he said. “There was a lot of adversity to battle through, and just to see the kids respond really well … for sure, where we started the season to the end of the season was a huge improvement.”

And that was most visible in the four upperclassmen like Carrillo, who finished with 10 points in the win.

“He started out the year really struggling,” Wall said of Carrillo’s three-point shot, “but in the past few games, he hit some really huge threes for us. He really stepped up late in the year.”

Ontiveros, who scored 19 on the night, was the spark early on in the win over the Eagles.

“He hit a few early shots to get us going,” Wall said. “He did a really great job.”

Honea and Dickey, Wall said, did a great job on the defensive side of the ball — especially Dickey, who limited Sedona Red Rock High School all-time single-game leading scorer Cris Paredas to 17 points, 10 from the free-throw line, in their final meeting Feb. 1.

“He was our best defender,” Wall said. “We put him on our best player each game.”

For the full story, please see the Wednesday, Feb. 12, issue of the Camp Verde Journal.

George Werner

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