Cottonwood approves civil unions

Cottonwood City Councilman Terence Pratt reads a quote by Thomas Jefferson about the separation of church and state before the public comment period regarding the city’s proposed civil union ordinance on Dec. 17. Council passed the ordinance 6-1, making the city the sixth in the state and fourth in the Verde Valley to approve civil unions.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

The city of Cottonwood last week became the sixth municipality in the state of Arizona to recognize civil unions.

With a vote of 6-1 following around an hour and a half of public input, the Cottonwood City Council made the measure official.

Civil unions in Cottonwood may be between both same-sex couples and heterosexual couples, giving people who are in committed relationships options that they otherwise wouldn’t have had.


The Cottonwood City Council chambers were packed for its meeting Tuesday, Dec. 17, with people crammed in the aisle and every chair filled. After all was said and done, it was Vice Mayor Karen Pfeifer who cast the lone vote against civil unions.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, Dec. 25, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Mark Lineberger

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