Ernster and Bartosh talk smack before big cycling fundraiser

Cottonwood City Manager Doug Bartosh proudly displays his cruiser bike Friday, May 10 (left). Bartosh said he’s been training for his competition with Sedona City Manager Tim Ernster (right) at the Bike MS: Ride the Vortex-Sedona Verde Valley ride Saturday, May 18.
Nancy Blevins (left), Jordan Reece (right)/Larson Newspapers

Sedona and Cottonwood have put it all on the line in a battle of pride. Sedona City Manager Tim Ernster and Cottonwood City Manager Doug Bartosh, have created a “friendly competition” and challenged each other in competing cycling teams representing their cities.

The men will see who can ride the most miles in the upcoming Bike MS: Ride the Vortex-Sedona Verde Valley cycling event.

“In order to be successful in this event a cyclist needs three things, to be in excellent shape, have superior equipment and a winning attitude. Well, I have the winning attitude, I am not in the best shape and I bought my bike for a $100, 15 years ago,” Ernster said.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, May 15, edition of The Camp Verde Journal or the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Kyle Larson

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