64.5 F

Mingus Union begins search for new superintendent


The Mingus Union High School District Governing Board has begun the process to replace retiring Superintendent Tim Foist.

At its meeting on Jan. 17, the board approved a contract with Aylstock Consulting to lead the board in the superintendent search.

Mike Aylstock, a former superintendent of the Sedona-Oak Creek School District, proposed a tentative timeline for the search that would culminate with the board making the selection for the new superintendent in early April.

In an effort to provide the community input into the selection process, Aylstock will conduct meetings to receive suggestions from the community with respect to expectations of the new superintendent.

This information will be compiled and presented to the Governing Board as the stated qualifications and characteristics of applicants for the position are developed.

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These meetings have been scheduled in the Mingus cafeteria on Tuesday, Jan. 29.

Mingus Union High School students will have the chance to share their ideas with Aylstock beginning at 3 p.m.

MUHSD employees can meet with the consultant beginning at 4 p.m.

Interested parents and community members are invited to provide their input on the position starting at 7 p.m.

Staff Reporter

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