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Cottonwood city manager wins Zimmerman award


Cottonwood City Manager Doug Bartosh was named one of three recipients of the 2012 Gabe Zimmerman Public Service Award in the state of Arizona on Wednesday, July 25.

The award is given as part of a statewide competition to recognize nonelected public servants in the categories of Civic Engagement, Innovation and Leadership.

Bartosh will be honored with the civic engagement award at the Arizona League of Cities and Towns meeting Thursday, Aug. 30.

David Byers, director of the Administrative Office of the Courts for the Arizona Supreme Court, will receive the leadership award, and Michael Hemesath, director of public works for the city of Sierra Vista, will receive the innovation award.

For the full story, please see the Wednesday, Aug. 8, issue of the Cottonwood Journal-Extra.

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Jeff Wood

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