45.8 F

Technology hits school


Two Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District staff members gave presentations at the inaugural Digital Learning Showcase on July 24 and 25 at Yavapai College in Prescott.

COCSD IT Director Mark Luffman gave a presentation on the use of Google apps for education, and Technology Integration Coach Kathy Epperson presented information about virtual field trips and simulations to staff and teachers from throughout Yavapai County.

The showcase was designed to demonstrate how changes in technology will affect classrooms in the future.

The event was hosted by the Yavapai County Educational Technology Consortium, a group of educational stakeholders whose goal is to bring broadband into districts and charter schools in Yavapai County.

For the full story, please see the Wednesday, Aug. 8, issue of the Cottonwood Journal-Extra.

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Jeff Wood

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