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Clarkdale hires Randy Taylor as police chief


The Town of Clarkdale has hired a police chief.

Randy Taylor, currently the police chief in Ellis, Kan., will take over the top position in the Clarkdale Police Department beginning Monday, Aug. 6.

Taylor was offered the job in a second round of recruitment after the town called off a first attempt to hire a chief in February.

“We had great quality applicants [in the first round]. It just didn’t work out with any of them, but I’m glad we had a second round because I think it’s going to be a great fit for us and our police department,” Clarkdale Town Manager Gayle Mabery said.

Clarkdale had narrowed the search to three finalists during the first recruitment, only to have one take another job offer in the middle of the process and to have another drop out after an offer had been made.

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For the full story, see the Wednesday, July 25, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Jeff Wood

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