45.8 F

Republican congressional candidates visit Verde Valley


Candidates for the U.S. Congress in Arizona’s District 4 spoke to the Mingus Mountain Republican Club at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7400 on July 10.

Current Arizona Sen. Ron Gould [R-District 3] and businessman Rick Murphy spoke to a crowd of about 50 club members and guests during a lunchtime meeting.

Incumbent U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar [R-District 1] had been scheduled to speak, but he was called back to Washington, D.C., and could not attend the meeting. Gosar moved from Flagstaff to Prescott to run in District 4.

Both Gould and Murphy emphasized the importance of balancing the federal budget, paying down the national debt of $15.9 trillion and simplifying the current tax system.

Murphy, speaking first, emphasized his experience balancing budgets and said he had the skills that will be necessary to solve the country’s financial problems, especially if President Barack Obama is elected to a second term.

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For the full story, see the Wednesday, July 18, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Jeff Wood

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