45.8 F

Grant loss may close food bank


The Cornville Mission Food Bank, which serves thousands of hungry people in the Verde Valley seven days a week, is in danger of having to shut its doors.

The food bank, operating without a key grant from the Yavapai County Community Foundation since February, has enough funds to continue operating for about seven weeks.

After that, its future is uncertain.

“We have enough funds raised to get us through August,” Cornville Mission and Food Bank Director Greg Roeller said. “After that we need about $2,000 a month to operate. Nobody gets paid. It is all-volunteer. We need the money to cover gas, electricity and to buy meat [too].”

The food bank has held a couple of fundraisers to take in money, but it is looking for long-term help.

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Roeller said one Cornville resident has given the food bank $5,000 and pledged to match any other donations up to $5,000, but “no one has stepped up for that one.”

For the full story, see the Wednesday, July 18, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Jeff Wood

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