45.8 F

Dive in and catch a flick at city pool


For residents looking for a unique movie-going experience, the Cottonwood Aquatic Center offers the rare opportunity to go for a swim and watch a film at the same time.

Called a “Dive-In” movie, the second of three screenings will take place Saturday, July 14, with the “The Smurfs” on the big screen at the outdoor pool. The gates to the pool will open at 7:45 p.m., and the movie will start when the sky turns dark.

Ticket prices will be $4 each. A family of four can pay less with a ticket price of $12.

The event is presented by the Cottonwood Youth Advisory Commission, and the sale of pizza and concessions at the pool will benefit the group.

Cottonwood Parks and Recreation intern and dive-in movie coordinator Alexis Knowles said the first screening, “Soul Surfer” on June 9, drew an audience of about 150 people.

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For the full story, see the Wednesday, July 11, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Jeff Wood

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