45.8 F

Astronomers host evening of stargazing


Local astronomers will lend their telescopes and knowledge to the general public at the Star Night Event at Dead Horse Ranch State Park on Saturday, June 23.

The event, supported by the Astronomers of Verde Valley, will give those who don’t own a sophisticated telescope a chance to see such night sky phenomena as planets in our solar system, nebulae and merging galaxies.

“We have some of the darkest skies in the United States,” Astronomers of the Verde Valley President J.D. Maddy said. “To be out under the Milky Way in summertime is an amazing experience. People from across the country marvel at the number of stars we have in our sky.”

Maddy said the Verde Valley attracts astronomers from around the country, and he said the Star Night Event will also include out-of-towners, particularly visitors from California.

“People who live in San Diego or L.A. don’t have dark skies at all,” he said.

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For the full story, see the Wednesday, June 20, edition of The Camp Verde Journal or the Cottonwood Journal Extra.


Jeff Wood

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