48.5 F

Reynold Radoccia named to Town Council


The Clarkdale Town Council voted 3-1 to appoint local architect, business owner and former Clarkdale town councilman, vice mayor and mayor Reynold “Rennie” Radoccia to fill the council seat left vacant after Pat Williams’ resignation in April.

Mayor Doug Von Gausig, Vice Mayor Richard Dehnert, and Councilman Curtiss Bohall voted for Radoccia, with Councilman Bill Regner casting the lone vote in opposition.

“We had four very good applicants and any one of them — for different reasons — would have been the right person,” Bohall said. “Because of the sustainability programs we’re working on right now, [Radoccia] is the best fit.”

For Regner, the vote was about diversity on the council, and public perception, rather than opposition to Radoccia personally.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, June 13, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

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Jeff Wood

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