45.3 F

Improving economy reinvigorates slag recycling


A Tucson company has restarted its efforts to turn the giant pile of copper slag near the Verde Valley Fairgrounds into industrial products — and 15 to 18 general manufacturing jobs, which will benefit local workers and the economy.

Tom Hurkett, operations manager for the company specializing in asphalt, roofing and abrasives, said his company had planned to begin breaking down the slag and shipping it out by now, but the economic downturn in 2008 put plans on hold.

Now, with the national economy showing some signs of recovery, and with good prospects for the future, Hurkett’s company is ready to get to work in Cottonwood.

“We essentially put [the project] on the shelf, and now we’re taking it off the shelf,” Hurkett said. “In all likelihood, we’re looking at starting up in 2014.”

For the full story, see the Wednesday, June 13, edition of The Camp Verde Journal or the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

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Jeff Wood

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