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Bowen helps parents keep their kids off drugs


Parenting teens can be difficult.

Parenting teens who are using or abusing drugs can be a nightmare.

The very strategies parents often use to stop their children from using drugs sometimes only drive their children closer to drug-using friends and drug dealers.

For parents interested in preventing or stopping teen drug use in their families, addiction behavioral specialist Shawna Bowen will be offering a free all-day seminar, Seven Strategies to Survive and Solve Drug Use in the Family, at the Cottonwood Public Safety Building on Saturday, April 28, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The seminar will cover topics such as understanding how addiction starts, loving versus enabling your drug-using teen, creating and maintaining boundaries, and strategies to avoid teen manipulation.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, April 25, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

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Jeff Wood

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