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Verde Valley hosts first wine symposium


The Verde Valley Wine Consortium will hold its first annual Verde Valley Wine Symposium and Auction on Saturday, April 28, at the Cliff Castle Casino Hotel.

The event, put on in conjunction with the Yavapai College, Yavapai College Foundation and the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce, will include panel discussions, wine tasting, dinner with a keynote speaker and an auction of the decorated wine barrels which have been used to promote the Verde Valley Wine trail for the past year and a half.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the Verde Valley Wine Consortium and the Yavapai College Viticulture program.

Verde Valley Wine Consortium President and Chairman of the Board Tom Pitts said the event is designed to give participants a look into the Verde Valley’s wine-dynamic community, which has gained a favorable reputation, generated worldwide publicity and become local economic catalyst in just a half-dozen years.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, April 18, edition of The Camp Verde Journal or the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

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Jeff Wood

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