48.5 F

Blue ribbons call attention to child abuse


Marjorie McKinnon is working to make blue ribbons for Child Abuse Prevention month in April as iconic as the pink ribbons used to raise awareness for breast cancer.

By the end of the month, McKinnon will have distributed 2,000 ribbons to businesses, churches, nonprofit organizations and public offices throughout the Verde Valley, sometimes with mixed results.

Some people don’t want them. Others enthusiastically take them.

McKinnon, founder of the international Lamplighter Movement for Incest and Child Sexual Abuse Recovery, said one church refused to distribute the ribbons because it was uncomfortable with the subject matter.

On the other hand, city of Cottonwood administrative assistant Renee George said visitors to City Hall have embraced the ribbons.

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For the full story, see the Wednesday, April 18, edition of The Camp Verde Journal or the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Jeff Wood

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