45.3 F

Volunteers keep Cottonwood humming


City volunteers don’t just work for the city, they help the city get its work done. According to estimates by the Cottonwood Human Resources Department, volunteers do the work of approximately nine full-time employees.

“[Volunteers] are the tread and fabric of our community. They kind of hold it together,” Mayor Diane Joens said.

City Manager Doug Bartosh confirms the mayor’s assessment of the importance of volunteers.

“The city couldn’t operate as well as it does without the help of volunteers,” he said. “We use the most volunteers at the library, police department and fire department.”

Of the three agencies, volunteers are probably the most prominent at the city library, as anyone who has ever checked out a book knows.

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For the full story, pick up a copy of the Wednesday, March 21, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Jeff Wood

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