45.3 F

Momentum forms to squash homelessness


Interest in eliminating homelessness is rising.

Nationally, the federal government introduced a program to end homelessness by 2015. Locally, attendance at Verde Valley Homelessness Coalition meetings has grown exponentially.

Marilyn Williams, case coordinator for the homeless prevention program at Catholic Charities, said the quarterly meetings grew from five to 10 participants over the past few years, to 20 at the December meeting.

At the most recent meeting Thursday, March 8, 40 participants filled the Verde Valley Guidance Clinic’s conference room to listen to speakers from the Arizona Department of Housing, For Our City’s Cottonwood chapter and the Northern Arizona Council of Governments in Flagstaff.

For the full story, pick up a copy of the Wednesday, March 14, edition of The Camp Verde Journal or the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

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Jeff Wood

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