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Tag: Cottonwood Public Library

Mingus Union High School District Governing Board President Dr. Misty L. Cox resigned Tuesday March 25, according to the Yavapai County Education Service Agency. Yavapai County School Superintendent Steve King announced a non-partisan vacancy on the board,...
The Cottonwood City Council voted 5-0 on March 18 to support a Low Income Housing Tax Credit application by Terra Realty and Management of Colorado to expand the Verde Plaza Apartments onto adjoining city-owned property. Councilmen Stephen...

City plans for economic strategy by January

The Cottonwood Community Awareness Group gave a presentation on the city’s economic development strategy on Tuesday, Aug. 22, at the Cottonwood Public Library.  The update...

Teens & library climb to the top of Arizona

The Cottonwood Public Library’s Get Out program, in partnership with the Cottonwood Parks and Recreation Department, took a group of teenagers to the top...

Library program aims to get teens outdoors

The Cottonwood Public Library will be offering outdoor adventures to teenagers over the summer through its Get Out program.  The library’s youth services department has...

VVS & library host kids summer reading

The Verde Valley Sanctuary’s Youth Empowerment Services program and the Cottonwood Public Library are partnering to provide a summer reading program for kids ages...

Cottonwood Library hosts Wild and Scenic Rivers lecture

The Cottonwood Public Library hosted a lecture on the importance of the Verde River and the designation of Wild and Scenic Rivers on Thursday,...

Verde Thumbs Shares Gardening Tips

The Verde Thumbs garden club brings together a large community of garden lovers every month at the Cottonwood Public Library. This month’s meeting on...

Cottonwood Vice mayor seeks local input

When it comes to engaging with the community, Cottonwood’s Vice Mayor Jackie Nairn has been taking a direct approach. Every fourth Thursday of each month,...

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Kyle Larson