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Yavapai County News

Verde Valley Wine festival sets date for spring

The third annual Verde Valley Wine Festival has an official date: Saturday, May 12. Following a successful two-day event last year, partner hosts Four...

College wines win Jefferson Cup awards

After winning a gold medal for Best Sauvignon Blanc at the Arizona Republic’s Arizona Grand Wine Festival in January, students enrolled in the enology...

Thieves rob unlocked cars in Verde Villages

A recent rash of vehicle burglaries in the Verde Villages offers a concrete lesson in foresight — the kind of lesson that may seem...

College board member fights for Verde Valley

If Deb McCasland has her way, the Verde Valley will someday have a Yavapai College Career and Technical Education Center to match the facility...

Clarkdale reopens its library

The town of Clarkdale and the Yavapai County Free Library District commemorated the reopening of Clark Memorial Library, celebrating a community effort to keep...

Press Release: Fall Prescribed Burn Planned on the Verde Ranger District

Click here to read a press release from the U.S. Forest Service about upcoming prescribed burns.   Fire managers on the...

Seven universities aim to enroll transfer students

More than three dozen Yavapai College Verde Valley Campus students took part in this year’s University Transfer Day, Wednesday, Oct. 4. Students met with...

Yavapai College kitchens prep culinary prowess

First, Yavapai College renovated its Sedona Center. Then, it began the first semester of culinary program coursework, welcoming 70 students a day through its...

Opioid danger is a local one

According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, nearly 2,000 possible opioid overdoses were reported in the state between June 15 and Aug. 17,...

Roadwork cuts internet, 911

Following the cutting of a fiber-optic line along State Route 260 Aug. 9, many Verde Valley residents lost phone and internet service. According...

Goodwill hosts job fair at city library

Less than an hour after opening, a job fair hosted by Goodwill Industries of Northern Arizona had welcomed over 30 job seekers Aug. 9...

Saving culture word by word

“We’ve been attacked, over and over again,” Vincent Randall said of his people, the Apache. Randall, who acts as the Apache Culture Director...

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Kyle Larson