“I’m inspired to be better every single day,” El Rincon bartender Miguel “Mikey” Reyes Cruz said through translator Roxana Cardiel de Niz. “Because for...
Sedona residents and businesses can sign up for the 2023 Northern Arizona Solar Co-op program through the nonprofit solar advocacy group Solar United Neighbors...
In the last 10 years, Yavapai County has seized more than $8.6 million from Arizona residents using civil forfeiture procedures, although the county’s takings...
The Cottonwood Police Department, supported by the Verde Valley Regional Special Weapons and Tactics Team, Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office and Yavapai College Police Department,...
The petition to recall Cottonwood Mayor Tim Elinski appears to have received enough valid signatures to proceed based on signatories’ addresses, but the Yavapai...
At 11:18 a.m., Monday, Nov. 13, Cottonwood police arrested 41-year-old Jose L. Villa Jr. on charges of indecent exposure.
According to police, the arrest...
Charles Blum presented “12 Things Americans Ought to Know About Mexican History” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute’s Brown Bag program at...
The Jerome Historical Society held its first Jerome History Night community event on Wednesday, Nov. 1, with a presentation on the Douglas family and...