Although Superintendent Sharyl Allen’s prepared statement singled out one board member as the major cause of her departure, the Mingus Union High School District...
The Camp Verde Journal asked Camp Verde Town Council candidates these two questions regarding housing and regionalism. 1. Are you in favor of Community...
The Camp Verde Town Council voted unanimously April 25 to approve an intergovernmental agreement with the Camp Verde Sanitary District. The IGA formalizes the...
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Camp Verde Unified School District Superintendent Jeff Van Handel and his governing board thought they...
Next week, on Monday, April 9, the Yavapai-Apache Nation starts to make its new Community Development Financial Institution a reality when its new executive...
Norman Rockwell illustrated American life for almost half a century on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post. Idyllic and anodyne, his portraits of...