Following an initial report of sexual harassment by Cottonwood City Councilman Derek Palosaari of a female city of Cottonwood employee, a subsequent internal investigation...
According to an investigation by the city of Cottowood’s Human Resources Department, City Councilman Derek Palosaari has engaged in multiple instances of sexual misconduct, specifically “instances of unwanted touching,” of female employees of the city since being appointed on June 6.
Vincent Edward Randall, 83, died around 6 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 16, according to his family.
The Yavapai-Apache Nation announced funeral services will take place Friday...
The Sedona Dance Academy gave its fourth annual “The Nutcracker” showcase to a standing room-only house at the Phillip England Center for the Performing...
“I’m inspired to be better every single day,” El Rincon bartender Miguel “Mikey” Reyes Cruz said through translator Roxana Cardiel de Niz. “Because for...
Sedona resident Lenore Hemingway, a retired U.S Air Force lieutenant colonel who took park in Operation Desert Storm, gave a presentation on her experiences...