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Education News

Greg Roeller joins MUHSD board

In January, John McTurk, a former Mingus Union High School student, stepped down from his position on the Mingus Union High School District governing...

Mingus teacher takes skills to Middle East

Phil Tanner had been working in schools in Cottonwood for years, but in July he left the town he had called home to move...

CVUSD passes teacher raises

At a meeting of the Camp Verde Unified School District Governing Board on Tuesday, Feb. 11, the board unanimously voted to approve a series...

School district consolidation advocates begin petition drive

After a planned electoral referendum in 2018 was stopped by a lawsuit from the Mingus Union High School District Governing Board, an election on...

Thorpe introduces bill punishing Mingus school board members

In summer 2018, the Mingus Union High School District Governing Board sued the Committee for Better Upper Verde Valley Schools, as well as the...

Mingus auto class well-oiled

A dozen teenagers stood around a mangled engine. A hole cut straight through the metal, and the oil pan was twisted from its normal...

School districts opt out of merger push

During the public comment period at the Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District Governing Board meeting on Jan. 7, Denise Kennedy, a former principal of Cottonwood...

CVUSD OKs Bible class curriculum

In December 2018, local former educator Tony Isola stood up in front of the Camp Verde Unified School District Governing Board, and made the...

Mingus falls in love with Shakespeare

Every high school English class inevitably teaches William Shakespeare. We can all recall our teacher trying to get us to understand the flowery language...

Mingus actors to stage “Shakespeare In Love”

Mingus Union High School’s theater program, A Troupe of Ridiculous Thespians, is fresh off from wining numerous statewide awards, including Best Musical for “Newsies”...

COCSD’s new Rise program teaches children with autism

Last year, the Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District closed down Cottonwood Elementary School and realigned its student body into Dr. Daniel Bright and the newly...

Mingus cancels school Tuesday after power outage

Students were sent home early from Mingus Union High School Tuesday, Sept. 10, at around 9:30, after a power line problem at 760 West...

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Kyle Larson