After nearly 14 years with the school district, both as a third-grade teacher and for the past four years as an administrator, Camp Verde Elementary...
In the courtyard of Cottonwood Community School, alongside the court where kids play basketball, a group of CCS students stand on scaffolds and ladders,...
Senate Bill 1073, regarding school district consolidation, introduced in the Arizona State Legislature by Arizona Sen. Sylvia Allen , passed in the Arizona House...
Since 2013, Mountain View Preparatory has participated in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, an advanced learning program that, per the International Baccalaureate Organization’s...
In 2012, Harvey Feirstein and Jack Feldman adapted Alan Menken’s classic Disney live-action film musical “Newsies” for the Broadway stage, which won a slew...
In January 2018, Mingus Union Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction Genie Gee was elevated by the Mingus Union High School District Governing Board...
In November, the Mingus Union High School District Superintendent Penny Hargrove retired after an internal investigation by the governing board. Since then, Mingus Principal...